
imnotevil's Top Gear FanFiction #1

Original Story and Author by imnotevil
Translated to 中文 by Ushio on [here]
A Top Gear Fan Fiction

Pairing             : JM x RH
Genre              : Romance
Quotes             : “Take care, my dear. Be safe.”

A/N: Hi, it’s nice to met you again. I’m sorry for my delay, thanks to my college which has made me kind of busy from now on. This is my new one, and of course I hope you liked it. I’m sorry if there’s a lot of mistake on my story, I didn’t get my time for editing this one. Enjoy :D

(Maroon 5)

            James sighed heavily, he didn’t like it, never be liked it, but there’s nothing he could do right now. Nothing he could do to made proud his late parents except of by doing this. Joined a Royal Air Force just like his late father before and became a Captain for his dearest late mother.
            James like being an Air Force, he love his job and he really need it to fulfil his desire for thanked his late parents. But this is the moment when James dislike it very much. Because today, on his last day of his furlough, James must fought hard his own mind about something he don’t want to leaved behind.
            No, it’s not something, but someone. Someone who James really loved. Past, present, and future. Forever.