
imnotevil's The Avengers Fan Fiction #2

Original Story and Author by imnotevil
The Avengers Fan Fiction
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
Genre : Romance, Fluff, Drabble
Rating : G

Just an Old Fashioned Song

          Since at the very first time they met, Steve knew he was so much way different than Tony Stark.
          "I'm a man of the future. You are nostalgia guy," was what that billionare ever said to him. But he didn't mind it, he was right after all. Steve still love the past when Tony was nothing but modern and modern thing only.
          That's why when he found the figure of Tony Stark sitting in the middle of his lab -- but instead of blarring, deafening heavy metal song, he was listening to some sweet, old fashioned song -- Steve couldn't help from laughing.
          "Shut it, Rogers. I am what I'm listening to."
          "So, you can't smile without me?" Tony kept his silent but Steve sure as much he had annoy him as he found how red Tony's ears right now. "Man of the future, caught in the act."
          "Shut it."
          Steve didn't shut up. He laughed even hard this time but full of fond before leaning forward to kissed him, "I like this song, what's the title?"

A/N: 'The song is Can't Smile Without You by Barry Manilow.'


imnotevil's The Avengers Fan Fiction #1

Original Story and Author by imnotevil
The Avengers Fan Fiction

Pairing : Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
Genre : Romance
Rating : G

It’s Not a Literally Fly

            Steve didn’t remember when was the first time he flew with Tony. Was it when he coming back from the headquarter? Leaving the battlefield? Save him from the villain on the war? He couldn’t remember. There were so much time they had spent some moments to flew together. Mostly when Tony tried to saved Steve from the villain. But after they began to dating each other, Tony flew Steve away just for entertaining him. ‘Cause from the billionare’s point of view, it seem that Steve like it since he never complaint even when Tony ‘accidentally’ pushed him from the headquarter and caugh him, but instead of placed him back in that mother ship, he flew Steve away onto no direct destination.


imnotevil's Sharing -- Ushio's Top Gear FanFiction #1

Hi guys,

This is the first time ever I share another writer's fanfiction on my blog. And if you see the title you must already know what the story about. Sadly, though, I cannot both speaking and reading Chinese so I post it on here without translation. But still, I have read it via google translate and I find no difficult to understood her story.

The title is '911 is the Best Car of the World ....Rubbish!' and her pair is JCxRH
She's a lovely writer and I'm sure you will like it too! Please click 'read more' to read or visit her own blog

Happy reading and love you all *wink

NB : I use the hashtag 'cause I hope I can work together with her again. Once again, she's a lovely person and I'm proud to be one of her friends!


imnotevil's Top Gear FanFiction #2 - Mirrors Ch.11

Translate to  中文 by UshioK on [here]

            It’s been a year since James got his incident. Everything went perfect and he had come back to battlefield again. Though at first Richard almost forbid him to coming back, at last the hamster let him go after witnessing how much James missed the place which nearly killed him.
            “I can’t resist when I saw him talking to his friends. That is his job, his own world. It’s just like, what if someone forbid me to run my vine? We both started our job in perforce, both ended up loving it. We are different yet same in a some little way and maybe that’s why he can read me so easily.”
            That was what Richard said when Jeremy asked him. Wondering why he let James back to the dangerous place again. And of course that answer made this doctor raised his eyebrow in amazed. Even Francie saying that Richard had became a little bit mature than before.
            “Is it because of James?”
            He just smiling at them.

imnotevil's Top Gear FanFiction #2 - Mirrors Ch.10

Original Story and Author by imnotevil

Translate to  中文 by UshioK on [here]
A Top Gear Fan Fiction

Pairing             : JM x RH, JC x FC
Genre              : Friendship, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Quotes             : “... I was the one who ruined my own life.”

Chapter X – Mirrors

So now I say goodbye to the old me, it's already gone
And I can't wait wait wait wait wait to get you home
Just to let you know, you are....

                                                Justin Timberlake – Mirrors

            Richard was in front of James’ room shaking violently. His eyes were bloodshot, lips trembling and can’t help from sobbing all the time. The only one he could did was just lowering his head and muttering James’ name like a spell from an ancient magic. Hoping that could made his Captain back to his better condition, or even better, walked out from that creepy room with his handsome smile so he could hugged him tightly.
            But there’s nothing happened. He still alone, sitting in the lobby which too hurt for his ears because of it’s quietness, shivering from despair trying so hard to not imagine what the hell had happened inside.

imnotevil's Top Gear FanFiction #2 - Mirrors Ch.9

Original Story and Author by imnotevil

Translate to  中文 by UshioK on [here]
A Top Gear Fan Fiction
Pairing             : JM x RH, JC x FC
Genre              : Friendship, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Warning          : New character’s appearance
Quotes             : “... Why you choose to death when you still had a chance to alive?”

Chapter IX – The Scientist

Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be so hard
I’m going back to the start
Coldplay – The Scientist

            Richard woke up with a loud gasp escaped from his lungs, pupil dilated and shivering lightly from his sweat. It was a dream about James, and though he can’t remembered, he sure that wasn’t a good one.
            The rythm of his beating heart was still fast which made him felt uncomfortable on his bed. With a little hope he tried to caugh his breath and get hold on his heart again, tried to cleared his mind and relaxed. Then a quick glanced at his clock told him that he had overslept, almost three hours late from his normal schedule. Without a second thought, Richard jumped out of his bed and ran into his bathroom, trying to wipe away all of his damn mind with a cold water.